Interested to know more about land laws in Malaysia? You can learn the fundamentals of land law from Mr Patrick Samuel, a very experienced lawyer in this field and gain your CPD hours at the same time!
In the course, Mr Patrick will cover the history and background of Malaysian land law. He will also explain about the Torrens system and the concepts of registration and indefeasibility. He will then cover the different classification, categories and conditions of land use. E.g., what does it mean when the Kegunaan Tanah is stated as Bangunan, Industri or Pertanian, and how do you relate to the Syarat Syarat Nyata and Sekatan Kepentingan as stated in the land title. Finally, he will explain about the different types of titles, how to make title searches and understand issues related to strata titles.
Mr Patrick Samuel encourages an open and interactive approach to learning, hence, questions and answers are welcomed during the session.
Mr Patrick Samuel in action for another CPD course.
If you are keen to know more about the CPD course, feel free to call us at 03-56222003 or 017-8562228.
You can also visit our website at to find out more about other real estate courses provided.